Mar. 02 - Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9:00AM
Church Service 10:15 AM
Mar. 05 - Lent Meal 6:00 PM (Luther House)
Ash Wednesday Lent Service 7:00 PM
Mar. 08 - Men's Breakfast 8:00 AM (Luther House)
Work Day at the Church 9:00 AM
Mar. 09 - Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9:00AM
Church Service 10:15 AM (Communion Sunday)
Elders' Meeting, immediately after Church Service
Mar. 10 - Trustees' Meeting, 7:00 PM (Luther House)
Mar. 12 - Lent Meal 6:00 PM (Luther House)
Wednesday Lent Service 7:00 PM
Mar. 16 - Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9:00AM
Church Service 10:15 AM
Mar. 18 - General Council Meeting 9:00 AM (Luther House)
Mar. 19 - Lent Meal 6:00 PM (Luther House)
Wednesday Lent Service 7:00 PM
Mar. 22 - Men's Breakfast 8:00 AM (Luther House)
Mar. 23 - Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9:00AM
Sunday Church Service 10:15 AM (Communion Sunday)
Mar. 26 - Lent Meal 6:00 PM (Luther House)
Wednesday Lent Service 7:00 PM
Mar. 30 - Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9:00AM
Sunday Church Service 10:15 AM